Wednesday, January 2, 2019

What is an LDR ? || How to use it in the circuit.

LDR :-

LDR is light-dependent resistor . It is a kind of variable resistance . It very automatic with respect to light . we can control it`s resistance with the help of light intensity.

It works on the photo-conductivity principle , and it is a passive element of electronics circuit .
Image of an LDR

It is made of a high resistance semiconductor.

Material use to make It ?

It is made from Semiconductor material , Which have most light Sensitive properties.
Mainly most of the LDR made up of Cadmium Sulphide ,(CdS)



In the time of dark means when LDE in the dark (low light intensity) it show high resistance in Mega ohms .
{so light intensity is inversely proportional to the resistance of LDE.}

And in the time of light means the intensity of light is high , so LDE show very low resistance in the order of ohms only.


It is a kind of resistance so its unit is same as resistance
which is OHM  𝞨 .


LDR is also a light sensing element in electronics.

* To make night light :-
It is a electric circuit which is made with the help of LDR. This circuit is use as a automatic switch.
When light fall on this circuit it off automatically and when the light intensity decrease on this circuit it on automatically.
[this circuit is works on both directions...]

We can use LDR in any light detecting circuits .
Like Light depending alarm system , Light depending switch , Light depending indicators ect.

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